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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Fishing Forum :: If you had to target just one species…
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08/31/2023 06:44AM
Lake Trout. I’ve caught them during every month of the permit season without much trouble. I also am a trout fisherman, I really never fish for anything but trout, so ya know.
08/30/2023 02:58PM
Smallmouth bass, because they are relatively easy to find, aggressive, and put up a great fight. Thankfully I don't have to choose just one!!
09/05/2023 09:22AM
Smallmouth provide the most action and fun for me. I enjoy catching everything else the BW has to offer, but I get the best thrill out of smallmouth because they are everywhere, deep or on the shoreline, and you can catch them on such a wide variety of baits.
09/05/2023 01:35PM
moray: "Smallmouths. For me nothing in fishing is more exciting than a big smallmouth crushing a top water bait and the epic battle that follows!

08/29/2023 08:43AM
My first inclination was Lake Trout...but i'm not a fan of fishing for them mid summer, which leaves me with early May and Late Sept.

I think I'd go Walleye. I can catch them throughout open water season.
08/29/2023 02:27PM
LT. Just because we don't have them down here.
08/29/2023 02:43PM
Smallies. For the simple reason that I'm not a very good fisherman, but I can usually catch a few of them, and they're a lot of fun to catch.
09/01/2023 01:05PM
Good Topic.
For me, it is Super Easy!
SMALLMOUTH. End of story. They are fun, aggressive, more abundant and they also come with a will catch plenty of pike just fishing for Bass. Plenty. Same lures, same location, fishing the same way. Especially when I go to the BW in June.

They blow up out of the water, jump, run, pull drag.

I would miss the challenge of walleye and the whole different style of fishing for Lakers. Both are awesome in their own way. I would miss the delicious flavor of these fish of the north. I do not have them in Indiana hardly at all.

ah, Smallies ;) What a blast.

09/02/2023 03:39PM
Smallmouth, with walleye, lakers, largemouth, and pike a very close second. Guess I like them all, but smallmouths will always cooperate at least a little, and pound for pound out fight them all. Consistently catching large smallmouths can be pretty challenging except for a few days in the spring, by large I mean 4#+ or 20"+. I love to chase those!
08/27/2023 06:57PM
I'd target walleye since that's what I mainly target when I'm up there. If it were a survival situation I'd target pike for the ease and the big fillets.
08/27/2023 09:04AM
Smallmouths. For me nothing in fishing is more exciting than a big smallmouth crushing a top water bait and the epic battle that follows!

08/27/2023 07:51AM the BWCA/Q for your remaining years, what would it be and why? I think I’d say lake trout because they are elusive (to my pursuits at least). I’ve only caught one and they certainly have a mystical allure to me. Also, the process of preparing a lake trout is a bit simpler with less chance of making some type of critical error.
08/27/2023 09:49AM
Walleye…. Love hunting these fickle fish…..
08/31/2023 08:45AM
Lake trout for sure. Everything else jumps in the boat from the River 5 minutes away, we come north for the trout. They are eating all year long, just need to change tactics and locations.
08/27/2023 12:22PM
In the summer time I would target Walleye. In the winter I would target Lake Trout. I could still keep incidental fish though right?
08/27/2023 05:46PM
Holehopper: " In the summer time I would target Walleye. In the winter I would target Lake Trout. I could still keep incidental fish though right?"

Good question. I didn’t specify but I’m gonna say that you are not allowed to keep and eat any incidental fish. For this hypothetical situation, you can only keep and eat the specific fish that you are targeting.
08/28/2023 09:39AM
Aries: "I'd target walleye since that's what I mainly target when I'm up there. If it were a survival situation I'd target pike for the ease and the big fillets. "

Agreed about the pike for sure. Good point.
08/28/2023 01:01PM
Lake Trout , as i can catch almost everything else in my hometown area. and they generally cooperate, especially in the spring.
08/29/2023 10:01AM
Speckled: "My first inclination was Lake Trout...but i'm not a fan of fishing for them mid summer, which leaves me with early May and Late Sept.

I think I'd go Walleye. I can catch them throughout open water season."

Agreed - I think Lake Trout, mid summer, is the toughest BWCA/Q species to catch.